Why Me Time is Important

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the fast-paced lifestyle, while struggling to get some alone and peaceful time? If yes, then you are not alone. Today we all are indulged in so many activities day in and day out that scope of having a little “Me Time” seems impossible.

We always tend to give preference to other people’s expectations just so that we are not labelled as a selfish and self-centred being, but in doing so, we are actually doing injustice with our own self.

Today we will discuss the importance of “Me Time” in everybody’s life and how it can actually have a positive impact on everything we do.

Why is “Me Time” important?

Reduces stress and help us unwind: Running 24*7 without a break be it for business, job, taking care of our dear ones or any social responsibility, can have an adverse effect on our mental health. We should have a dedicated amount of time when we can rejuvenate ourselves and bring down our stress level, without doing so, we will only become grumpier and more stressed.

Pause, Reboot, Resume: If you tend to wake up, start working and then go to sleep without having appropriate number of breaks in between, it would become really hard for you to be efficient in your tasks. Human brain is not developed for a long attention span at one go, it needs small breaks to refresh and restart. Include some fun activities in your break time and you will notice the quality of your work has improved gradually.

Indulge in self-discovery and deeper thinking: One of the biggest reasons behind failures in our lives is no subtle understanding of our own selves. What we want in life? What are our core driving principles? Who are we as an individual? These are the questions we all should know answers of, and it could only be done when we create an opportunity for deeper thinking and self-analysis from time to time. Having a dedicated “Me Time” is of great help when it comes to self-exploration.

Forge better relationships: When you respect yourself, people around you will also reciprocate the same. Don’t go beyond your own measures to make anyone happy, always prioritize your own peace of mind above everything, because when you will be in a content state yourself, you will be able to show love and support to others in a better way.

Better Work-Life balance: The inability to say “No” can lead to a situation when you will have more on your plate than you can handle, this can have a direct impact on your personal and professional life leading to a tiresome state of existence. Learn to prioritize your tasks and to say no to a certain thing coming your way. This will help you focus on the important things in your life.

Some activities you can take up during your “Me Time”:

Visit a nearby park and spend some time amongst nature

Read some books, magazines or listen to your favourite music

Take a long relaxing bath

Watch some movies or documentaries

Take up a new hobby like drawing, cooking, playing an instrument etc.

Meditate and reinforce positivity in your thoughts and life

Do some stretching or short exercises between your work breaks

Having a home which can sustain and support an active yet mentally and physically rewarding lifestyle is like a boon for every person today. MY HOME, Kiwale by Goyal Properties has been built to bring together the 3 important aspects of living an inspired life – Place, Time and Value. It presents an atmosphere of holistic lifestyle while supporting your need of “Me Time” without much effort.