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Our divisions

Our divisions

Windrose Capital

An endeavour to support India’s fast-transforming economy through early and mid-stage investments in promising start-ups.
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A venture with an objective to provide solutions & guide customers to understand real estate procedures and legalities.
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A medium that facilitates eV adoption by developing technologies and building infrastructure that adds value to logistics management.
(visit website)

Vistaar Art Studio

A collaborative platform that brings artists together with exquisite designs beautifying a space into something more.

Homeart Concepts

The purpose is to provide affordable and innovative turn-key interior solutions. One-stop shop for all interior designing needs.

Goyal Family Office

A firm that offers a complete solution to managing the financial and investment needs of an affluent individual or family. Our approach is centred around ensuring you never lose your peace of mind.


A vertical that works towards the adoption of green technologies through operational efficiency across industries.

Goyal Renewables

The aim is to make every space solar-powered. It’s time to turn your global footprint into a step towards a clean & green Earth.

Cryo Bio LLP

An initiative towards manufacturing and supplying liquid gases like industrial and medical Oxygen in the Marathwada region and beyond.

Core Healing Clinic

A clinic that specializes in physiotherapy – focused on increased mobility.

Design House

With its 360-degree design solutions, this vertical brings together the design of structures, interiors, fashion, and art under one roof.

Raised In Art

The vision is to make children experience art every day; encouraging and developing it in their early years of childhood.